Soulride-In the Rhythm of Your Soul 5-Day Ride

Soulride-In the Rhythm of Your Soul 5-Day Ride

Ride with your Inner Freedom Hiking ride to the alp in Graubünden in 5 days You decide to take a nurturing trail ride. Here our inner and outer freedom unite. We remember and cultivate gentleness and compassion together with the horses. Nothing weighs heavy anymore,...
4 days ride: ride into the summer

4 days ride: ride into the summer

“Ride into summer” 4 day ride Pure trail riding, through the Alps I offer multi-day rides so that everything may. To find oneself, to unfold, to experience oneself in harmony with horse and nature. You find your horse, develop the relationship with him and...
1:1 Moon Ceremony on the Alp Flix – A Rite of Passage

1:1 Moon Ceremony on the Alp Flix – A Rite of Passage

1:1 Moon ceremony for you A rite of passage in communion with nature 1 soul and me – 24h I open a space for you to deeply experience yourself in your nature. In the natural cycle of the moon, it is possible for you to live through and celebrate a transformative...
Beltane – Horses, Fire and Cacao

Beltane – Horses, Fire and Cacao

Beltane Horses, fire and cacao I invite you to a powerful, heart-opening ritual weekend in the horse herd. We celebrate Beltane – the festival of the “Radiant Sun”, the reawakened joy of life, the transition into summer, into the power of the sun,...
Soulride-In the Rhythm of Your Soul 5-Day Ride

3-day ride: fully booked

“A thank you to life” 3 day ride Hiking in the Alps I offer multi-day rides so that everything may. To find oneself, to unfold, to experience oneself in harmony with horse and nature. You find your horse, develop the relationship with him and then together...