touched by life
My way through the eye of the needle
I live what I share and teach with you
My name is Sieglinde Zottmaier, I am a happy medicine woman.
I have experienced many challenges in my life. Abuse, alcoholism, burnout and insolvency.
My resilience, my inquiring mind and my basic trust have enabled me to discover and develop my skills and now share them with others.
My turning point came when I realized that the successful gourmet restaurant and hotel Schauenstein, which I had opened and managed with my then partner Andreas Caminada – and experienced a kind of fairytale in the process – would not be good for me in the long term. Exhausted, I gave up my life and discovered my connection with horses during this transitional period. I eventually bought my first horse, Rainbow, and opened a small restaurant.
Unfortunately, the restaurant failed and I had to file for bankruptcy. My time in gastronomy came to an end.
In this magical moment, the moment between times, I became free of any expectations. I had the opportunity to rewrite my story.
I have been living close to nature with my herd of horses in the Grisons Alps for 16 years now. The horses and the wild nature accompany me and guide me through our everyday life together.
The horses are medicine. Every day, horses and nature touch and teach me with their pure wisdom. The simplicity and clarity of our rural existence create a space that works for you.
I share this space in order to successfully accompany people on their path to inner serenity, a “laisser faire” attitude of integrity. To nurture the desire to dream their own vision into life.
Speak your truth – Walk your talk
My journey of resilience and transformation has set me free and taught me that we always have the opportunity to rewrite our story to speak our truth and live it. I am grateful for the challenges that I have gone through and am still going through, because they allow me to become who I am every day.

My medicine
Safety – Compassion – Horses – Wilderness – Body – Mind
For me, death in the shamanic sense is “dying into new life”. I walk with you fearlessly into the deepest cave of your being to bring your truth to life, to open your heart for what is.
My own life experience incorporates the building blocks I have collected from many horse people, teachers and entities. A big thank you at this point to all the encounters, dialogs and teachings that have allowed me to grow into my form and let me continue to do so. Thank you!
in peace
Education and training - please click
Compassionate Inquiry according to Gabor Maté and Sat Darham Kaur – in studies
Certified Breathwork Instructor with Michaël Bijker,
Thaiyoga – Massage according to Krishnataki,
Jikiden Reiki, level Okuden, with Karin Birchler,
Nuad Thai massage, with Christian Bäumle,
Moon Mother Level 3, Womb Blessing Attunement – Female Energy Awakening with Miranda Gray,, 2023
Cacao Gurdian, Initiation and Medicine Training with Serap Kara,, 2021
Seminar to accompany young adults within vision quests and working in nature, Christian Kirchmair, July 2020.
Psychotherapeutic knowledge for vision quest leaders and all those who work with people in nature, Sylvia Koch-Weser and Robert Bögle, March 2020.
Four Shields of the Sacred Fool with Meredith Little, Susann Belz, and Franz P. Redl, September 2019.
Vision Quest in Ticino with Sibyl Brugger & Joseph Stenz, August 2019
Four Shields of Mindfulness, mindfulness seminar with Meredith Little( and Susann Belz, May 2019.
Freedom Based Training™ with Elsa Sinclair (
), May 2018
Supervision and exchange with Matthias Geysen and my horses (
), 2018
Introductory course in SOMATIC EXPERIENCING ® according to Peter A. Levine, 2018
Farmer with professional certificate; 2017
Training as Hero’s Journey Instructor with horses with Ulrike Dietmann,, 2016-17
Specialized training horse transport and horse trade patent
Trail riding course and personality development with horses with Caroline Wolfer; 2015
Leaseholder and manager of Pferdealp Hohmattli CH, April 2014 to March 2020
Horse keeping and breeding course, SKN for keeping more than 11 horses and SVPS driving certificate; 2014
Horsemanship courses at the Pat Parelli Center USA, with Mira Geldermann DE and Michael Wanzenried CH; 2008 -2016
Permaculture practitioner according to Sepp Holzer, Krameterhof AT; 2013-2014
Managing director with Andreas Caminada: construction of Schloss Schauenstein, Fürstenau;, 2003-2008
Hotellière/Restauratrice HF, Belvoirpark Zurich; 2002
Nursing specialist HF, Munich, DE; 1990
Out and about

My herd of horses

The moon

Cosmos and Earth

Wild at Heart

The carer

Welcome to the herd
young at heart

I am always by your side
The king and healer 1997 – 2023

you are loved
2015 – 2023

The benevolent
I like to work with:

Elvira Perottoni
The woman for strengthening the self-healing of man and animal
Autobiological learning