PRA MIEZ – Horse Alp
MUNTATSCH – Stallion Alp
Holistic care of your horse
“I offer comprehensive holistic care for your horse on the pasture, including daily checkups, assessment of herd structure and condition of coat, skin and hooves, and expert skin treatments and wound care when necessary.”
Sieglinde Zottmaier
Soul food for your horse
Do you sometimes have that dream too, to see your horse galloping freely over the alpine meadows, out of pure joy of life. United with his peers.
Here with me, at the Pra Miez Horse Alp and the Stallion Alp Muntatsch, you can make this dream come true.
Here you can give your horse a gift, a piece of freedom, rest, nature and a circle of horses.
The 2024 Hengstalp season starts on June 8/9 and ends on September 14
The 2024 Pferdealp season begins on June 15/16 and ends on September 21
For many years I have lived with horses on the alp in the summer. Our own nine and others. It is touching how they become more aware of themselves when you open up this space for them.
As if they were released from their everyday duties and were allowed to just be, uninhibitedly follow their impulses, trust themselves to withstand the weather when it doesn’t seem so… Exhale, relax, refuel… Balance – harmony…, and the sun shines again….
Up here there are other advantages than in the valley, each aspect has its justification. And my heart and experience show me how much these graceful, wonderful animals enjoy this piece of “temporary wilderness”.
- Natural gymnastics
- Strengthening of joints, tendons and ligaments
- Surefootedness and self-confidence
- Self-confidence
- Detox
- Cleared airways
And you? What do you do without your horse? …. Exhale, relax, recharge by doing things that otherwise get short shrift….
…and you can come up here and witness how your horse presents for you, in this other world.
Access via Marmorera GR
In soul connection with the horses
You can register via the contact form.

- Due to the reopening of our horse alp Pra Miez
- a standard price for all applies for 2024: CHF 5/day
- Regular prices per horse from 2025:
100+ alpine days: 6 CHF/day
80+ alpine days: 8 CHF/day
60+ alpine days: 10 CHF/day
- 30+ alpine days: 12 CHF/day
Shorter alpine stays, ponies and other dates after consultation.
- Warmbloods are at risk of losing substance after mid-August and will therefore be tested on August 17/18. have an alpine pasture.
- Prerequisites:
- Bare hoof
- -dewormed in the week before the alpine pasture move
- -Vaccination at your own decision
- Treatments after consultation:
- If your horse needs to be treated for any reason, I will charge you the necessary resources and a flat rate of CHF 1 – 3 per day of treatment, depending on the time and effort involved.