Sieglinde Zottmaier

My vision


My vision is to integrate a healthy wholeness into society and to draw peace from it.

In solidarity

Sieglinde Zottmaier

Medicine woman with herd of horses



Video: Julian M. Grünthal



You start your time here with us at 2,000 meters above sea level, on the Flix Alp of the Val Surses in Graubünden.

The Alp Flix, in Tgalucas, is the base for all of my programs, Sieglinde Zottmaier.

Around Tgalucas are the horse pastures of Alp Flix and from here you can reach the Muntatsch horse pasture, which belongs to our farm. The diversity of our power places allows a constant going along with what is needed at the moment. Intuition serves as our inner compass.

All offers, projects, rides, meetings and individual work take place mainly outdoors, in this wild, powerful mountain world.

That’s what you’ll encounter here:

Nature – Wilderness
Moving with them into the wilderness – soul walks trail rides – herd living
Soul Work – Sovereignty/Synergy/Integrity

Bodywork – Feelings/impulse/intuition

Thaiyoga massage – Jikiden Reiki
Lunar cycle –
The 4 female archetypes

Medicine wheel –
four shields work
Rituals of transition –

Animal and
Voice – drums – sound