Summer program 2023

“An experience for life”

with Sieglinde Zottmaier

With the horses into the lifestyle of pure being.



The 2023/1 and 2023/2 summer projects include:


3 on-site modules – 3 live calls – 1 individual coaching -workbook/exercises

Accommodation and food for you and “your” horse


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"In the eye of the horse"

1/2-year summer project 2023/1

"In the movement of the horse"

1/2-year summer project 2023/2

"Out into the wild"

7 – day trail rides

"From girl to young woman"

5-day riding camp for 12 – 16 year olds



Pure – pure, holy, sovereign

Wild – wise, intuitive, instinctive, mindful of yourself and your surroundings

Free – relaxed, integrity, benevolent, soft

Suitable for everyday life – sustainable for your everyday life

like the horses

Everything is allowed!

You will notice the changes in you and your horse during this time. In the end, you are sustainable in your self-love, deeply trusting in your intuition and fine in the perception of all being.

All in all, grounded, with the horse and in life, present and open to the unknown.

You can register with the 2023 Summer Programs using the contact form .