by Pippilotta | May 29, 2019
MoonWomen with HorseRoots Nourish your womb space in the safety of the horse herd Dive deep… How do you experience yourself with your womb space? What does it mean to you? How are you in relationship with your womb space? Does he inspire you? Do you feel his...
by Pippilotta | May 29, 2019
“A thank you to life” 3 day ride Hiking in the Alps I offer multi-day rides so that everything may. To find oneself, to unfold, to experience oneself in harmony with horse and nature. You find your horse, develop the relationship with him and then together...
by Pippilotta | May 29, 2019
Female serenity 4-month online program for women Guidance from your Oneness How does it work? You already know. As women, we receive guidance. It flows through us. Felt from our womb space, earthly and cosmic. As cyclical beings, we regularly go through different...
by Pippilotta | May 29, 2019
Abundance Trailride Powerful riding in the FloW in the connection of man, horse and nature Terra Materna carries us on the horse’s back with her benevolence. We experience the power of the mighty mountains, dense forests, clear lakes and rushing streams. We...
by Pippilotta | May 29, 2019
1:1 Moon ceremony for you A rite of passage in the bond with the Mooness 1 Soul, the horses and me – 24h I open a space for you to deeply experience yourself in your nature. In the silence of nature you glide into a new dimension of yourself. Held in you,...
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