Lap room
Source – Freedom – Birth Space
My womb is my source, my ground, my support
Through him, I am in my power to go with the flow, to let life move me.
Through him I am anchored in the mother earth and with her in the cosmos. Through my womb flows the wisdom of the universe, as it flows through yours and yours and yours….
My mares led me into my womb consciousness. In the shared appreciation of our womb spaces, we sink deeper and deeper into our being, into the embodiment of our mystery.
Our lap space, in and around the pelvis, is our direct connection to the horse. If you give yourself a freely moving, healed pelvis, you give the horses and life freely. Inwardly and outwardly merging in the common gliding along.
From our womb space, we experience ourselves as authentic women. Here we experience our female cycle, tied to the lunar cycle. Within the cycle, we live through our feminine archetypes.
In our womb space we conceive, through it we give birth.
What a gift.
Appreciation of the lap room
For me, honoring my womb space means listening to it, nurturing it, healing it, and allowing its divinity to take its lead.
I allow my uterus, my cervix, my yoni, my pereneum.
Womb Blessing® Attunement ‘Female Energy Awakening
Initiator: Miranda Gray
Do you want to nourish, heal and allow your womb into its divinity?
As Moon Mother L2 I offer you:
On site:
The Womb Blessing® Attunement ‘Female Energy Awakening’ à 60 min: 90 CHF
Special from Terra Materna:
Womb Riding® ‘Female Energy Integration’ à 90 min: 185 CHF
The Womb Riding Integration you will be carried and guided on the horse’s back to integrate your Blessing or Healing.
On site and at a distance:
The Womb Healing ‘Female Energy Balancing’ à 35 min: 70 CHF
Female Soul Healing’ à 50 min: 80 CHF
Moon Mother Mentoring > on your Womb Blessing® Path
Special from Terra Materna:
Womb Riding® – Free movement in the river
And on the back of the horses you will experience in gentle, carrying moments how your pelvis loosens more and more in its rhythm…
1:1 Coaching into Womb Riding® ‘Female Energy Freeing’ à 2h: 240 CHF
…for the good of all.
For men
To live the power of your primal masculinity, you may open your heart space. Then you live your clarity in benevolence and softness, give your gifts in self-evidence, live your
King to the delight of all.
In return, you will be gifted with love, gratitude and respect.
Do you want to nourish your primal masculinity, heal and immerse yourself in the unconditional love of Self? Give in to your impulses and allow your deepest desires?
In my offers you will find space and accompaniment on your way.
Supporter for your heart opening
‘The Gift for Men’, Initiator: Miranda Gray > Energy Work
Nuad Thai Massage > bodywork, freeing energy flow
Jikiden Reiki > Energy work
Horses – let yourself be carried – heart to heart with your horse