Clear serenity
The entities are expanding around the globe.
Not only humanity has the need to expand and to meet, to touch and to be touched.
Plant beings, as well as animal beings, have set out to enter into dialogue with us, to gain new experiences with us, to stay with us in time.
Mama Cacao’s Spirit is in my life so that we can walk together. Her benevolent spirit, her heart-opening power and the gentle depth of our dialogue, gives me clarity wrapped in love every time. I let my body be flooded by Mama Cacao’s Spirit and sink with her deep in
my womb. Each burgeoning wisdom expands us together, into a new dimension of our being.
This encounter in Ceremony gives me the peace and serenity to face my life, and to let myself be touched full of curiosity by everything I encounter.
In this loving clarity, my truth, my sovereignty, my self-evidence and power shows. This, my clarity, knows what I need right now to bring me into life. In the embodiment of that, I am the pull, the pull that you want to follow.
The horses love this pull, it is their way of communicating, out of their clarity comes the impulse for the next step, it happens.
I am Cacao Keeper

Cacao in Ceremony
I offer Cacao in Ceremony, both as a face-to-face and online session, in circles and individually.
In workshops and rites of passage, Mama Cacao checks in and then tactfully weaves herself into the action.
Do you feel like having a relationship with Mama Cacao, letting her touch you? Listening to her?
I look forward to seeing you and our journey together….
Messages of the Cacao Spirit
Messages of the Cacao Spirit
Expand your understanding about the lived world
Communicate with nature
Heal your relationship with the earth – Plant a garden
Honor the spirit in all being, in all living beings
Thank you for what you have, honor the land, history and place you came from – Respect those who came before you
Heal Your Inner Child – Your True Nature is Joy
Help children who are hurt by handling chocolate. Teach that to others. Know your uniqueness and give it to the world
Help when you are doing well and others are not. Blossom as an individual to elevate the whole – Use your voice to improve quality of life for all of your kind
Take nothing without giving – Respect, gratitude and love are the currency of the spiritual world – They are freely available, use them – Be aware that you are building the foundation for future generations.
I am Cacao gardener – I plant a garden
I plant a garden.
Mama Cacao has launched a project and I’m joining in.
Every ceremony participant takes part, as I collect 5% of the proceeds to buy a new tree every time. One tree costs 55 euros.
Allow the cycle and let it flow – the cacao to you and the tree back.
Respect, gratitude and love are the currency of the spiritual world – They are freely available, use them – Be aware that you are building the foundation for future generations.