1:1 Coaching

You at the center

Sieglinde Zottmaier – Personal Coaching

Your Stage – Your Pure Being – You, the Gift



“What you need now”

What do you need right now? What do you want to live?

A stable foundation, nourishment, a confrontation, energy, stillness, darkness, movement, being moved, heart opening, affection, touch, relating, withdrawal and presence, forgiveness, clarity, peace, pressure, strength, health, love…?

In a preliminary conversation we find out in which form you enter the space of Terra Materna to make a start.

Is it the horses, the wilderness, the silence that call? Is it a lap room healing, a horse encounter, a Nuad Thai massage, a ride, simply being, listening into your emptiness, ….

In your rhythm, from time to time, you will see in which form you go further to embody yourself clearly and gracefully.

You become calm and sovereign, held within yourself.

We, me and the horses are ready for you.

I am glad!

“24h for you under the moonlight of the Alp Flix”.

Conscious – Alive – Pure Being

You and me – 24h

I open a space for you to deeply experience yourself in your nature.

In the silence of nature you glide into a new dimension of yourself.

Held in you, centered and clear. Ready for a soft going along with what is, I accompany you by the fire into the night. My ceremonial hut will offer you the security you need for your transformation.


So close to the moon

The energies of their cycle accompany your transformative process.

Let’s discuss which phase best fits your topic to select a date.


Possible at any time of the year.

Full moon dates: Mon, March 25, 2024/Wed, April 25, 2024/Thu, May 23, 2024/Thu, October 17, 2024/Fri, November 15, 2024

New moon dates: Mon, April 8, 2024/Mi, May 8, 2024/ Fri, November 1, 2024/ Sun, December 1, 2024

Other dates by arrangement.

Day 1, from 12h until day 2, 13h



Alp Flix, GR


24h moon coaching: 750 CHF

Including accommodation in my ceremonial hut/meals (2 lunches/ 1 night/ 1 Zmorga)/transport Sur-Alp Flix and back



Winter special 23/24
“Your Transitional Home – By the Fire”

Clear vision – erection – implementation

You – 5 days (or by arrangement)

The alp Flix and, if it will be, the horses will give you their security on your journey to your innermost cave. In the space within you, which only you enter, you experience what power, love and resources are hidden behind the veils of your doubts/fears/preconceptions.

Let yourself be gifted.

In the emptiness your foundation for your clarity, uprightness and unity is built. It is easy for you to become PUR in the society.

You are the gift.

I, Sieglinde, am here to help you unpack.



Day 1 at the base:

Arrival at the Alp Flix in the base – Appreciation of the IS – farewell/separation – declaration of intent – getting to know each other and setting up the solo place


Day 2 and 3 at the solo place:

Your birthing cave – YOU with YOU alone, without company/fasting on demand

Winter solo place, in a simple, quiet cottage -. solo time – Threshold

Day 4 and 5 in the base:

Return – Mirror – Nourish – Integration


A lasting experience!


Other integrable options:

Cacao ceremony

Wombblessing Attunement and Gift for Men; Initiator: Miranda Gray

Nuad Thai and Thaiyoga – Massage – let yourself be moved

Jikiden Reiki – A Journey into Nourishing Deep Relaxation



Alp Flix, 7456 Sur GR, Switzerland



1:1 Winter Special on the Alp Flix: “Your Transitional Home – By the Fire” à 5 days:

3’333 CHF

incl. Transportation/accommodation in my maiensäss(www.alpflixunterkunft.ch)/full board


3 days 2’222 CHF

7 days 4’444 CHF


Dates by arrangement

Do you have any questions, call me, I’m happy.

079 661 98 58


“Time Out”

Security – Origin – Food

Does your trauma barely allow you to feel comfortable in society?
Don’t you think you know how life should go?

Especially because of my self-experience I dare to offer you a safe loving space here, where YOUR way may unfold in your own way and you come into your power.
Also possible for several weeks.


1. preliminary conversation by phone, or via Zoom:

Together we will find out what form of time-out you need right now. We set the target date

2. arrival:

Arrival at the Alp Flix in the Maiensäss – Appreciation of the IST – Farewell to everyday life – Declaration of intent – Getting to know the time-out apartment

Eating together and creating the daily schedule for the time-out period

3. time out time

During the time we review what it takes and integrate.

4th degree:

Essence – Integration – Everyday Considerations – Restraint



Alp Flix, 7456 Sur GR, Switzerland


Time-Out – 6 days – Basic: 2’550 CHF


  • Accommodation in own apartment: www.alpflixunterkunft.ch
  • Full board as desired: vegan/vegetarian/with meat
  • 1 x daily 2h coaching/treatment in the appropriate form
  • accompanied daily structure as needed, the horses can be a part of it

Dates and additional effort by arrangement

Do you have any questions, call me, I’m happy.

079 661 98 58

“Out in the Wild with the Horse”
Summer offer

For riders and non-riding horse lovers – Individual trip around the wheel of life

Inner Freedom – Your Wildness – Aliveness

Being on the road with the horses opens up your instinctive, wild nature. Wild in the sense of clear, uninhibited action. Wild for your and everyone’s good. Aho!

At the same time, you will experience more and more what it is like to free yourself internally. Free from imprints, traumas and beliefs.

A new vitality spreads through you, light and powerful….



Day 1 at the base:

Arrival at the Alp Flix in the base – Appreciation of the IS – farewell/separation – declaration of intent – meeting your horse


Day 2 and 3 at the solo place:

Your birthing cave – YOU with YOU alone, without company/fasting on demand

Setting up your summer solo spot outdoors -. Solo time – Threshold

Day 4 and 5 on the road:

Coming back – mirroring – nourishing – integration ride



Summer offer at the Alp Flix: “Out in the Wild with the horse” à 5 days:

3,888 CHF

incl. Transportation/accommodation in my maiensäss/full board


3 days: 2’555 CHF

7 days: 5’222 CHF

including accommodation/meals/transport and horses with trekking equipment


Dates on request

+41 79 661 98 58 or via Contact.